Thursday, 22 November 2012

This Year's odd Highlights of Thanksgiving Day... :D

Nov. 22, 2012
Thanksgiving Day.  :D

This Thanksgiving was the strangest Thanksgiving we have ever had. But the strangeness of it also made possible some beautiful gems worth recording, so I am finally here to record them...

Miles worked on Thanksgiving Day until evening, so we planned on having our meal late and held off on preparing much of the meal so it would be hot and ready at just the right time. 

It was at this critical time that I suddenly found within me the bursting urge TO ROLLERBLADE! :o "Really?" I asked myself"How could you even let it enter your mind on Thanksgiving Day?" (I suppose I should confess... I'm a rollerblading addict. :o)

But it did enter my mind. And you know what... My awesome kids knew it, and KICKED ME OUT of the kitchen so I could go rollerblading! They ALL FOUR took over cooking and Mindy COMMANDED me -  "GO, - NOW - BEFORE the sun goes down and IT IS TOO LATE!" Can you believe that? :D I honestly tried to stay and cook despite the addiction - but the boys supported Mindy and none of them would let me stay. :D :D (Yes, though  conflicted by the weird prospect of playing while my kids worked - I was nevertheless happy enough to merit TWO smiles here! ;)

 Honestly, the older my kids get the younger I feel. Before you know it we'll be almost the same age!! ;)

This new experience was weird; but it was wonderful, too...  While rollerblading that day I experienced something I could never have experienced on any other day. 

It seemed that the world was almost sleeping. Everything was quiet. There were no cars driving by. No children out playing. Many windows were drawn. And many of the houses were dark, as families had gathered together with family elsewhere...

But now and then I would pass by a home with curtains open... Light shone there, illuminating a dining table with friends and family gathered round enjoying the holiday together. 

It was something I had never seen before while rollerblading. And yet - This was the ONLY activity I witnessed while rollerblading on Thanksgiving Day.

I thought of how strange it was that something one would think to be so common and everyday - could only be seen only on Thanksgiving Day. And I prayed to make and keep it common - at least in my home...

I arrived home just as my husband did. We marveled together over our kids becoming adults so quickly - so thankful for the time with them... :)

After the meal we all watched a movie then cleaned the kitchen together before winding down again. I know it sounds crazy - but cleaning together in the kitchen WAS NICE. :) I'm as thankful for that experience as I am for both he rollerblading adventure and the Thanksgiving feast with family . :)

As I watch my children become adults, I am amazed to realize that the tiny little every day experiences with the people we love and live with day in and day out are the ones that matter most.

I'm so thankful for my wonderful family! :D

Corine :D

Saturday, 17 November 2012

The "Goodest" Boy

Today I will tell you of a memory I have had – many times… It is a memory of my very sweet little boy, Devry.

Devry was a very quiet, very sweet boy, and usually very mild mannered (except when he threw tantrums. But I don’t think he knew about his tantrums, perhaps because it was never his intention to tantrum. ;) But he knew of his intentions, and they were GOOD. And like all goodness, when we experience it we get a feeling inside that some describe as “warm and fuzzy.” And it just puts a person in such a content and happy state that you simply glow with peace and joy.
This was the state Devry was in one day when, perhaps around the age of 6, as he sweetly and reverently told me something...  
“Mom. I’m the goodest boy.”
(I think he may have shook his head up and down - followed by content and peaceful smile…)
“I am. I’m the goodest.J
 I laughed for joy. Not because he was right, or because he was wasn't wrong, but because he saw the best in himself. 

“You are right, Devry. You are good. But always remember that other people have goodness in them, too. Don’t ever let yourself think you are better than them.”  And I hugged that sweet little boy.

Forward now to the present - I love driving Devry to seminary for the brief talks that we can have. Yesterday as we drove down the road I reminded Devry of this memory. I then told him how much I love him and of how thankful I am that he IS a “good boy.” And I told him this…

There is so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it hardly behooves any of us
To talk about the rest of us.
Edward Wallis Hoch

This morning as I woke I thought of a few more things...   When I told Devry he was no better than others, I should have told him that he was no worse either.

I don't recall doing so, but knowing what I now know, if I had little children today
I would tell them this;
Always LOOK for the good
 - in yourself and in others -
and you are sure to find it.

Maybe I didn't need to say this to Devry; he already knew... I’ve never heard a word of criticism from his lips about any of his friends, ever. One of Devry’s gifts is that he sees the best in everyone.J 

I never thought of it before until this very moment. But maybe this was made possible because he first saw the best in himself. Devry is capable of following the Savior’s admonition to “love his neighbor as himself” because he first loved himself… :) - What an awesome example he is to me!

I am SO thankful for Devry! :D
Corine :D
 PS. Here are a few of my favorite quotes and thoughts/beliefs which agree with this post:
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
                                      Jesus Christ
                                    Proverbs 23:7
 "We could spend weeks, months, even years laboring with the Personality Ethic trying to change our attitudes and behaviors and not even begin to approach the phenomenon of change that occurs spontaneously when we see things differently."                                 Stephen R. Covey

"Promise me you'll always remember;
You're braver than you believe, and
stronger than you seem, and
smarter than you think."
 A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
I believe the good and bad within us are at war with each other, and that the one we give the most attention to, the one we think about the most, and believe in the mostTHAT is the part that wins.

I believe this is true about our perceptions of others as well. There is good and bad in us all, and either or both can be perceived. What we SEE, is what we LOOK for. There is so much more than what we see!!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Throw Yourself a Gratitude Party!

This is an old photo of one of my sons, Dausen... who I am very thankful for! :)
(Of course, I'm thankful for ALL my wonderful kids! :D)  
Hi! :) I am so busy, but life is GOOD. :) Since I have not the time to write, and since I found another fabulous blog post worth sharing, I decided to link up with a great post from Latter Day Homeschooling. Follow the link above to view some wonderful ideas for a Gratitude Party.

In that post you will have access to a gratitude banner and a darling gratitude list reprintable. In addition you will get to see  three of my favorite videos about gratitude (I guess the author and I just think alike - or I just adore the subject of gratitude! ;) You may have seen these videos in years past on my other blog or elsewhere; It's OK... they are worth the repeat!) Hugs to you all, and have a thankful day! :D

Corine :D  

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Welcome! :D

Hi!  :D And Welcome to our new family blog ~ The Moore Memoir! (Isn't that a snappy name? LOL ;) I plan to blog each weekend; Sunday evenings after church is a good time to come here looking for new news.

I am transferring a couple recent posts over from my other blog, so you will see posts dated before today. I have comment verification on so I will receive notification if you comment even on old posts; so feel free to comment to any of them if you wish to.

I'm very excited about this blog and hope that many friends and family will come here and be a part of it. All are welcome so don't be shy about making yourself known; please feel WELCOME. :) I'm counting on word of mouth and anxious to see which of my friends and family join me in the comment section.

Hope to see you again soon!
Corine  :D