Friday 12 April 2013

Mindy Means Love


Mindy was three days old before Miles and I finally found a name we both agreed with.

The name "Mindy" means "love."

Mindy was the most beautiful baby we had ever seen... And it wasn't just us (her parent) who thought she was beautiful. Everyone commented on her amazing beauty. She had a beautiful face, and darling little body. But more than that she had a strong, beautiful spirit! How do you find a name beautiful enough for a such a beautiful person??? 

This is why her father and I named her "Mindy." Because "Mindy" means "love." And because her dad and I loved her sooooo much! And we knew that by naming her after love and letting her know what an honor it is to be named after such a great virtue... she would be blessed to be inspired to live up to the word, "love." :)

And she has lived up to her beautiful name...

Mindy hid hearts and candies all over my bedroom and belongings in February. :) 
I am incredibly BLESSED to be this wonderful young woman's mother! :D

Mindy is a BEAUTIFUL person, because she is SO LOVING.

I just always want to remember that and honor her for it... :)

I hope you have a wonderful day filled with love and beauty! :D

Corine :D


  1. Love it. I too spend a lot of time on names. I think they are gifts from our hearts to them.

    1. I whole-heartily agree! :) Not one of my children was born without considerable thought being taken to the name. Names are important. Which is why it is SO COOL that we have been given the opportunity to take upon us the name of Jesus Christ as his followers. I love it! :D
